The craps , like other casino games, involves a lot of luck. Therefore, it is impossible to predict the outcome of a game. However, also skill and technique have their place in the craps.

Looking for the best craps strategy

The players of craps are always in search of a strategy that can be applied to this game with results although not guaranteed, moderately acceptable. Most strategies that are advertised as 100% effective know that they are not: there is no really effective strategy for craps, there are only bets more advantageous than others. If we stick to the probabilities , we can not determine with certainty that some numbers go out more than others. And, even if we could, the launch of the dice is totally random, so any results are possible

Why play free online craps

The game of craps has always been very attractive both for those who play in the casino, for money, and for those who simply play between friends. With the arrival of craps on the internet, the game has become more crowded, and more and more people are playing it.

The most interesting thing for many is the possibility of playing craps for free. It is that, for those who just started in this game, the whole subject of craps betting can be intimidating and complex. Then, the possibility of playing free craps online and familiarize ourselves with the rules and mechanics of the game, is very attractive.

If to the fact of being able to play free craps we add that in the internet we find a great amount of information on the game, then we will see that the possibility of playing free craps is a great advantage for the beginners. The fact that we can play without risking money, while learning the game, the possibilities of betting, the basic rules , the strategies, are a real advantage to the novice.

Before we start playing for real money, we can choose a betting strategy and start applying it in virtual form, as if we were playing for money. Taking a record of the results obtained, we can give an idea of ​​the effectiveness of the strategy of craps we have chosen. There are many craps strategies , but the most effective are those that are based on a particular type of bet, since many of the casinos offer are totally disadvantageous to the player.

Finally, playing craps is really fun. If we are used to playing other games of chance for money, playing free craps can be a good break between sessions, without the pressure of betting, and without spending a single cent, since we do not even need to leave our homes.

Get advantage of the craps

If we want to have some advantage in the craps, we can achieve it by implementing some basic strategy, since throwing the dice automatically will not get much.

A good way to start is to download the free software offered by many games houses, or practice in the free craps mode that can also be found on many sites. By playing this way, we can learn more about the rules of the game and also put into practice all the strategies we are going to talk about now.

One of the main strategies we have to learn is to know how to use our money correctly. We need to know how to dominate craps bets that are most advantageous for us, and try to never lose control. That we can handle our money in the right way is almost the most important thing in the craps, since, besides benefiting our pocket, we can check if the strategy we use really works or not.

The first thing is, then, to set a limit on the amount of money that we are going to bet and that we are in a position to lose. And, most importantly, we must respect this limit. This is also very important, since many times we get carried away by emotions and lose all control over the game. Many times, when we have a bad run, in our eagerness to recover everything, we can get to make bad bets and end in a total bankruptcy. It is also important that we set a profit amount, because, again, by our desire to win more and more, we can make a bad decision and end up losing everything. Keeping calm and staying relaxed while playing craps will help us make the right bets at the right time.

It is essential that we know all the bets we can make in craps, as there are very few that really keep the house edge down and give some real chance to the bettor. The best bets are pass, eat and six or eight. Risk betting, which pays very good dividends, is never advisable, because the chances of winning are minimal.

Expert advice on craps

If we have already learned the rules of the game of craps , and we have been informed about game strategies , we are ready to start practicing. We can practice the strategies and systems of craps we have learned, in online casinos, where we can play craps for free.

There are three basic concepts that we must keep in mind when we launch into the world of craps in particular, and gambling in general. The first of these concepts is the management of money. We must know how to manage our money in a smart way. Knowing how to handle our money is paramount, because if we fail to do so, then we will never know if our craps strategy really works or not. There are several ways to manage money. One of them is to put a strict limit on our losses. Many craps players are tempted to raise bets when they have suffered losses, to compensate, but this is a bad strategy. It is also good that we have a profit limit. Once we reach the desired amount, we retire. If we manage to respect these limits, it will be much easier for us to play and not go through big losses.

The second concept is to understand the bets of craps and to know that some are suitable for the player and others not. If we read carefully the odds of each of the bets available on craps , we will see that there are only a few in which the house edge is low. We'll focus on those bets , then. And we must diversify: to make several different bets on each roll, and not one, because in this way we can compensate for gains and losses.

Finally, we must play craps in a relaxed way, if we alter or let the nerves beat us, as that can seriously harm us. Accepting beforehand that we will have losses will help us to stay calm in bad times.


Here at Vegas City Slots we are committed to creating a fun and responsible gaming environment. Gaming can be both entertaining and profitable. But you ca not always win. Losing is a part of the game and you have to be prepared for it. Therefore you should play responsibly, and not risk money that you can't afford to lose. Gaming can also be addictive and make you lose perspective of time and money. We want your gaming experiences to be as positive as possible, even if you lose. Therefore we work hard to help you control your own gaming.