Personal Identification Information

Any Casino you visit from through this website may collect personal information from a User in several ways, including, but not limited to, when a User visits casino site, when he registers on the site, and when he places an order. Casinos may also collect any information provided in connection with any of the activities, services, features and/or resources we make available on the website.

Anonymous visits are permitted. Any personal information is collected and maintained only when the User voluntarily submits such information to the website. A User is free to refuse any disclosure of personal information, but in doing so he may be prevented for using certain website services and activities.

Non-personal Identification Information

Casinos may collect non-personal information whenever a User is interacting with a service or activity. Non-personal information include, but are not limited to, the name of the browser, the type of the computer, the operating system, and the internet service provider.

How Casinos Use Collected Information

Casinos may collect, maintain, and/or use the personal information of a User for the following purposes:

– In order to improve customer service and support you in the most efficient way.
– To personalize the User’s experience.
– To understand how each User interacts with the website’s services.
– To improve the website and our services by using the feedback a User provides.
– To share your information with third parties for marketing or similar purposes.
– To run a promotion, contest, or survey.
– To send information/newsletters/offers on topics a User is interested in.

How Casinos Protect Your Information

Casinos implements proper data collection, safe storage practices, and unparalleled security measures to make sure that your personal information is protected against unauthorized access resulting in violation, disclosure, or destruction of your information.

Third Party Websites

The website does not control the content included in any of the links provided to and from our website, and the practices employed by any of these third party websites related to our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, and licensors. These websites and services have their own privacy and customer service policies and are in no way related to the privacy and customer service policies of this website. Each time you browse or interact on any third party website linked to our website, you are bound by law to that Third Party website’s own terms and policies.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

This policy is subject to changes at any time. When the website revises this policy, it will update the date at the bottom of this page. In order to stay informed of any changes at all times, we suggest Users to check this page frequently. We may revise this statement at any time and the changes are effective when we post them here. By continuing to access or use the Services after those changes become effective, you agree to be bound by the revised Privacy Policy.

Accepting These Terms

By using this website, you consent to the collection and use of information as specified above and signify your acceptance of this policy and any changes hereafter.


Here at Nordic Fortunes we are committed to creating a fun and responsible gaming environment. Gaming can be both entertaining and profitable. But you ca not always win. Losing is a part of the game and you have to be prepared for it. Therefore you should play responsibly, and not risk money that you can't afford to lose. Gaming can also be addictive and make you lose perspective of time and money. We want your gaming experiences to be as positive as possible, even if you lose. Therefore we work hard to help you control your own gaming.